
  • コンセプト



  • 効果




  • 技能五輪の具体的場面







どうなる? :作業ミスが起こってもあまり焦らず、適切な判断ができる。


  • 日常ではどんな場面で使うの?


  • スキルのカテゴリは?
    • ミスの制御
  • スキルの段階は?
    • ブルー
  • チェックの仕方は?
    • 自分が何かの作業やタスクに取り組む時を振り返ります。



When a mistake is made, it can affect subsequent work in many ways. For example, the work will be delayed because time resources will be used to recover from the mistake. Also, if the mistake changes the way the work is done in the subsequent process, the plan needs to be changed. Furthermore, since the WorldSkills competition is based on quality points, depending on the magnitude of the point deduction, you may be forced to change your work strategy.

Considering these points, objectively evaluate how big an impact the error has on the work. If the impact is significant, you will need to change your work strategy and recover or omit other tasks. On the other hand, if the impact is found to be small compared to the initial impression, a decision to take no special action is required.


If you do it, it is easy to lose your cool when you make a mistake, but if you objectively analyze the situation in which you made a mistake, it becomes easier to regain your cool. However, if you analyze the situation objectively, you will be able to regain your composure and make appropriate decisions, such as whether to change your work strategy. If you don’t, you will underestimate or overestimate the impact of the work error.

If you do, you are more likely to experience negative emotions. Negative emotions include impatience, anxiety, frustration, and depression. When these emotions are strong, it becomes difficult to make calm decisions. As a result, we may lose time and resources by recovering from mistakes that would not have resulted in a significant loss of points if they were not recovered.

It is also possible to give up on further work because of pessimistic thoughts such as “I’m screwed,” even though the problem could have been handled with a simple recovery.

Specific Situation from the WorldSkills Competition

When? : When you make a work error. It is important to have criteria to evaluate the impact and to be able to manipulate them during the work.

How to do it? When?

: Example of self-talk = see below.

Example of self-talk: :Imagine multiple things that could happen as a result of the mistake, imagine a take table and calculate the time expected for time loss. Calculating the impact of a mistake based on a score sheet, etc.

Example of action = To be objective, actually take a step back. Analyze the impact while looking up. Looking down narrows the field of view in your mind as well as what you can actually see.

An example of something to avoid = judging the impact of all your mistakes as big. This is because negative emotions become stronger and you make wrong decisions.

What happens? You will be able to make appropriate judgments without being too hasty even if a work error occurs.

Example of self-talk
“Impact is a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10, which is rather high.”
“The recoverability is 3, and although it hurts to lose points, I won’t recover.”